Government 'not to lower drink driving limit in England'

02 Feb

Roads Minister Robert Goodwill has indicated in a statement that while tackling drink driving was a priority for the Government, "we have no plans to alter the drink-drive limit".

Last year, the Scottish government lowered the legal limit for drivers from 80mg per 100ml of blood to just 50mg, bringing it to the same level as other European countries such as France, Germany and Italy.

"We are strengthening enforcement by removing the automatic right for drivers who fail a breathalyser test to demand a blood test and also introducing a mobile evidential breath testing equipment next year," Goodwill said, as reported by the Morning Advertiser. "High risk offenders are now also required to prove they are no longer alcohol-dependent before being allowed to drive. We have no plans to alter the drink-drive limit."


Law correct at the date of publication.
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